Ask Alexandra – July 2002

Question #1:

Dear Alexandra,

I know that alot of footage in “Dragnet” was left on the cutting room floor. Did you lose alot of scenes? Ever see the long version of it? I’d love to see that if it existed. Keep doing the quality work you’ve always done. You’re a classy actor:)



Dear Scott,

I didnt know that there were alot of scenes cut from Dragnet. Probably some of my (I played “the virgin Connie Swail”) scenes were cut, but it has been over 15 years since I shot that film, so I cant remember how many or which ones. I do know that some reshoots were done, although they didnt involve me. I was very surprised when, at the screening, I saw the last scene of the movie, which had been added on in the reshoots. In that scene I am no longer “the virgin Connie Swail”: Dan Aykroyd says “Connie Swail and I have been seeing each other” (or something like that), and Tom Hanks says “You mean the virgin Connie Swail?”, and Dan Aykroyd gives him a look that pretty much means “not anymore”. And the film ends. It gets a laugh and I thought it was a great way to end the movie, although it was a surprise!

If there is a DVD version of Dragnet, maybe it contains extra footage, but I havent seen any version of the movie except what was in the theatres in 1987. I do hear, however, that another Dragnet television series is being made.

Thank you for writing.


Question #2:

Hi alexandra, im a big fan of yours. i have seen you in a few movies and on baywatch. I watched your last show on baywatch. How did they drop the sail mast? Was it hard to leave the show? I hope you and Ian are doing good? I wish you the best and u do an outstanding job take care.


jason daughenbaugh

Dear Jason,

It was very hard to leave Baywatch, as it was such a fun show to do, but after 4 seasons it was time. The next year, the producers filtered in several shows that I had shot in in my 4th season (Baywatch shot so fast that we sometimes filmed in one year more than the 21 shows that a season required, so those extra shows kicked off the following season). So, although I was on the show for 5 seasons, I had actually already left Baywatch that last year, and they were using shows I had filmed the year before. I did come back to do my very last episode, the one where my character, Stephanie Holden, is killed by a falling mast during a big storm. They shot that in two parts – me running to push the girl out of the way of the mast, and then a separate shot of the falling mast. There was very cold water (from the rain machines) raining down on me as I Iay dying, so much that I could hardly keep my eyes open for all the water pouring on me (and the director yelling "keep your eyes open, Alexandra!). And there was a wind machine too and the rocking of the boat, so it was very noisy and I am supposed to be uttering my last breaths with over 2 pages of dialogue. In the end, they had me dub the whole scene over in a sound studio, because the wind and rain machines were too noisy. That was a bummer.

Ian and I are very happy, thank you for asking. We have been together 7 years, and he is still the most perfect person in the world and a most loving partner. He is racing a big triathlon on July 20th, an off-road Ironman distance race in Rifle, Colorado, so he is training very hard. We are doing a 16 mile trail run tomorrow, as a matter of fact!



Question #3:

Dear Alexandra,

Do go online often or surf the internet? If so, can you share with us some of your favorite sites? By the way, you have the most beautiful eyes! Keep up the great work and I hope to see you on TV more.

All the best,

David Green

Dear David,

Thank you for your compliment on my eyes. I am actually not happy with my eyes at the moment, as I seem to be getting quite an obvious “lazy eye”, and I can see it alot onscreen. My twin, Caroline, has always had one, but mine seems to have become noticeable in the last year. Hmmm. I did have an appointment with an eye doctor who said he might be able to correct it, but I cancelled the appointment at the last minute and never made another one. I dont think this will just go away by itself, so I best get myself to his office….

As for websites, I am not a big internet surfer, but I would say that my favorite website is this one!!!!! And that is not self aggrandizing, it is actually just a huge compliment to my webmaster, Vietly, who does such an excellent job, and to all of you who have sent things in for the site and who participate in the message board. I really only go to my computer to answer emails and to get specific information.

Before an audition, I might go to (internet movie database), which can give my some background on producers, actors, writers, directors that I might be meeting. I go to for health and medical information, and my friend Chris faxes me really interesting editorials from and Arianna Huffington also has very thought provoking columns on her website,

Dont spend too much time on the computer! It’s a beautiful, exciting world outside your front door, too.

Happy July,


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